Sunday, July 4, 2010

Week 4: Mary & Martha

Hello, my name is Martha and I am so busy serving that I don't have time to sit and listen to God. Zing! This week's study hits me where I live. I am always busy. Busy traveling and training, busy working on projects or degrees, busy trying to be the best wife and mom. But unfortunately, sometimes too busy for spending quality time with the Lord. Why can't I be like Mary? I mean Mary is relaxed and she just listens to Jesus. She even took her all time favorite perfume and washed His feet with it and her hair. Whoa.

This week you will be looking at 2 sisters. They both love Jesus, but one gets lost in being busy and forgets what is important. The other, Mary.. is a great example of how we need to put our daily quiet time with God as our highest priority. The scriptures for this week are Luke 10:38-42 and John 12:1-8.

I couldn't help but think about our lesson during Super Sunday tying together with this study. We talked about setting our goals as Christians and maturing in Christ. I loved the phrase shared today about staying in a constant conversation with Christ. How can we stay in a constant conversation with Christ when we don't take time to listen, we do all the talking and never stop to hear what Christ has to say? I know I am challenged by these lessons. What am I doing that is so important I can't spend time with the Creator of the Universe? What am I sacrificing to show my love for Him? I hope you will wrestle with these  ideas with me this week. Love reading the comments. We are getting there. Please jump in and share.

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, this hits all too close to home with me too. I am definitely a Martha. I struggle to sit at Jesus' feet and just be with Him because all too often I define my worth by what I do. Still, no matter what I do, I'm never satisfied...exhausted and weary, yes, but not satisfied. How comforting to know that Jesus loves us because of who He is and for who He created us to be. His love is not based on anything that we could ever do; He loves us for who we are. There's a reason we are called human "beings" and not human "doings." Isn't it time we started living like that?
