Wednesday, August 13, 2014

We're Back!

Hello lovelies!

Nothing says "time off" like a year-long blogging hiatus, right? Well, rbcgirls is back in action! We are so excited about the things happening at Ridgecrest, especially in the student ministry. The presence of God is so evident and powerful and we are just waiting to see what He does next!

Today I want to talk about the goodness of God. Not the kind of goodness where, because you prayed before dinner, He gives you a puppy and a lollipop. The kind of goodness where, in a world overrun with evil and deceit, we know that there is a greater reasoning and purpose for us as believers.

This type of goodness is sometimes hard to swallow. Not just on a large scale, where there are children dying and countries at war, but on a scale that directly affects your day-to-day life. When life seems to fall apart and it gets overwhelming, we can often question the goodness of God.

Of course, we would never say outwardly that we don't think God is good. As believers, we are taught from a young age that God is good and loving and patient. While all these are true, we often forget that perhaps God's definition of these words does not match our definition. Maybe what I want isn't what the Lord wants. And if I truly believe that He is good, isn't that ok?

…I want to live in a nice house with a jacuzzi tub…and if not, He is good.
…I want to find someone who will love me well and love Christ more…and if not, He is good.
…I want to be successful in my career field…and if not, He is good.

You see, it's not the things that are bad, it's our reaction when we don't get them. Do we base our perception of the goodness of God off of getting what we want?

Check out what these verses say about goodness:

-Romans 8:28
-Psalm 23:6
-Psalm 107:1
-James 1:17

Ladies, as emotional beings (just being honest here), we like to throw fits and stomp our feet and cry all of our mascara off. The world tells us that this is a normal, expected response when things don't go our way. However, we are not normal, we are called to be set apart for Christ. This means in all circumstances, good and bad, we are glorifying Christ and His goodness.

Remember this school year, as you deal with teachers who don't like you, classmates who are mean, and bad hair days (the worst!), that God is God and He is good.

Love you all!


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