Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Last Sunday night's worship really impacted me.  It was intense.  And inspiring.  But oh-so-convicting.  As we sang "With Everything," I couldn't help but hear a voice inside saying, "Really?  Do you mean that?  Are you really proclaiming to shout MY praise, shout MY glory, to live for me 'with EVERYthing'?"  I was taken aback.  This voice wasn't harsh or condemning; rather it was gentle and sincerely pursuing. 

This whole idea, this concept of everything shouting for God's glory has haunted me this last week.  As I've processed and prayed the past several days, I've realized a couple of profound truths. 

One is this:  The Lord is so eager for me to be completely His.  Forget condemnation or lost time.  There's no room for regret.  He's waiting in eager anticipation, in excitement for me!  He delights in me, whether I know it or not, whether I like it or not (Zephaniah 3:17).  And He desperately wants to have me all to Himself.  That is when He is most glorified. 

1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."  In everything, glorify Him. 

So what does that actually look like?  What does it actually MEAN to be completely God's, to worship Him with everything?  This is my current quest.  And I'm finding that the answer may be a journey in and of itself.  But I'm okay with that.  Regardless of all I don't know, one thing I do know for certain:  God wants ALL of me, and He deserves every bit of me. 

Today I'm asking the Lord to show me how to glorify Him with everything.  I'm asking for discernment and wisdom in every decision that I make so that my Heavenly Father is honored and glorified.  I'm asking for awareness and conscienceness that causes me to actively pursue God from moment to moment.  And then I'm believing that He will be faithful in answering. 

Will you join me?

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