Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Beginnings

So I realize that we are over a month into this new year already, so I'm a little tardy in posting about new beginnings...but better late than never, right? :o)

The truth is I've been wrestling a lot lately with what the Lord has for me this year. I've desperately wanted to set some goals and dreams for this year, but every time I go to write them out, I find myself at a loss. The truth is, I don't know what God wants to do in me this year!

Can you relate at all?

Usually I'm really diligent and articulate in laying out my plans for the new year, and I usually do that in the first week or so of January. (So cliche, I know, but isn't that the norm?) So far this year I've fought the battle of guilt and pressure for not having my aspirations for the next 12 (11 now) months clearly defined. It finally hit me though: maybe that's what God's up to right now--releasing me from the need to plan and execute my own plans for this year. Maybe, just maybe He's working on that little trust factor within me. Maybe He's saying, "Jess, you don't have to know what this year looks like. Let me lead you. Let me set your path. Trust ME."

And suddenly the pressure is off.... What a great relief!

So, let it be known that this year, I'm not setting any New Year's resolutions. I am, however, participating in a new beginning: a beginning of trusting and waiting upon the Lord.

Do you need a new beginning too? Will you join me?

Let these words encourage you:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Be blessed and be free of the pressure of planning out your year!


  1. It's funny that you post this. Because, I have had the same burden on my heart. This morning, while I was taking my shower, me and God had a long talk. We talked about this summer and what He has planned for me. Here is what He told me:

    My goal for this summer--To Make This Summer Totally NOT About Ashlyn.

    That's right. He wants me to take this 3 month break off of school to serve this world around me. And, I have realized, that is exactly what I want also. I want to have my eyes eternally opened. I want to die to myself. I want to change the world around me. I want my heart to be changed. And, I want to see God move in a HUGE and MIGHTY way...which I know He is fully capable of doing.

    I know He is calling me to do big things this summer. I feel Him calling me to go. Go. That word is what He keeps telling me. GO. Such a simple word. But, such a huge task.

    I am so excited to see what this summer holds. As plans start to fall into place, I am trusting God that it is exactly what He wants.

    So, there is my "Mid Year Resolution". I know it's a little early to be planning this summer. But, when God speaks, I listen.

    And so with that said...I will end with this thought.

    What God says...Ashlyn Does.

    My motivation to meet my Summer Goal.

    With that powerful statement continually playing in my head, God right by my side, and lots of prayers not only from myself, but others also, I am so sure I will be able to fulfill God's plan for me this summer. :)

  2. I wish I could "like" comments on here like on facebook because I would so "like" this comment. Thanks for sharing, sister. You're an inspiration for sure!
