Monday, February 25, 2013

Girls Bible Study, Tonight! (Feb 25)

Hey Girls, we have GBS tonight, Monday February 25, 6:30-8pm at Jessie's house.  If you need more info or directions, you can email Jessie at

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

So far in 2013...

Hello lovely ladies!
For those of you who have made it out to GBS this year, you're awesome & we love you!
For those of you who haven't made it out... we still love you, but we think you should come to GBS!
Why? Because it's awesome!
We've had two GBS nights so far in 2013, and we've enjoyed making cupcakes together (although, I'm not sure how I feel about the frosting wars in my apartment), as well as making journals together last week.

For those of you who don't know, we are going through the book "You're Designed to Shine" for our Spring GBS season... after choosing this book, I discovered that not a single store in Springfield has it in stock... so we ordered 10 copies... If you want a book, you can buy it from us for $10... or you can order it yourself; it's available on Amazon.

Our next GBS night will be next Monday, February 25th.  We hope to see you there!
Where is "there"? Great question! If you're interested in opening up your home for GBS, please let me (Kate) know asap!
We will let you know where the next GBS night ends up being as soon as we know! :)