Wednesday, July 3, 2013

CAMP is coming! - A note from Emilee Garrison

As girls it’s very easy to be sucked into the world. Social media, friendships, relationships, etc. all consume our lives on a day-to-day basis. We wake up in the morning and look at our phones, hoping for that sweet good morning text or seeing what’s new on Twitter. Then we spend a good amount of time showering, fixing our hair, doing our makeup, and picking out the perfect outfit. After we have made sure that we look our best, we rush off to school or work or to hang out with our friends. Where in our day have we set aside time for our Creator? Maybe you sneak in a few minutes of Bible reading or prayer before practice or before you fall asleep, but do you purposefully and consistently set aside time to be with the Lord? Well, for five days that time is built into your daily schedule for you. I think you know what I’m talking about: CAMP! This is a time that allows you to put down the flat iron and the cell phone and pick up the Word. CAMP is a great time to detox from the stresses of the world and just BE with Jesus. We take five days to step back from life and experience God. Windermere provides a gorgeous backdrop for quiet time, rec, and boating. Sam Bhatt will be bringing the message each night and Tyler Batten and his band will lead us in worship. CAMP is an incredibly awesome time to continue growing in your faith, or maybe rediscover the God you used to know. I promise that if you are willing to take a break from the world for five days, God will show you some incredible things.

-written by Emilee Garrison

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Boyz II Men

Written by Emilee Garrison

Believe it or not, there is a big difference between Christian boys and men of God. Christian boys will sit next to you at church, while men of God will read their Bible before they send you that cute good morning text. Christian boys will say they love you, while men of God will actively show their love for you in a way that is glorifying to God.

Growing up in the Church I was always told to find a “good Christian boy”. However, when I found a good Christian boy, I was frustrated with the fact that he was not engaged in an active relationship with Christ and he wasn’t challenging me in my walk with the Lord. That’s because I was searching for a BOY, not someone who was spiritually mature. If you want to be told you’re beautiful and pretty and go on fun dates, then date a Christian boy. If you want all of that along with being stretched and grown in your faith, shown an unconditional Christ-like love, and pursued in a respectful and intentional manner, then wait to date a man of God.

“An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.” –Proverbs 31:10

In that respect, we should strive constantly to be the type of woman that a man of God would want to pursue. Obsessing over our hair and clothes or being consistently overdramatic is not exhibiting an attitude that a man of God would want or need to be interested in. Our hearts should be so captured by the Lord and our love for him that it radiates from our being and that will draw the attention of that man of God. You don’t want the attention of a guy who isn’t attracted by your love of the Lord.  We should be just as focused on becoming a woman of God as we are on finding a man of God.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Girls Bible Study: May 13

Hello Ladies!!

GBS will be happening ONE WEEK from today! We hope you can make it... because it's going to be awesome!

We'll be meeting at RBC on the grass outside the FC...
Wait, what? On the grass? YES!
... Because we'll be have a tie-dye night!! Bring something you want to tie-dye with you... and a friend!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Next GBS Night...

Alright Ladies... we've got a couple week with no GBS.
I know... super sad, right?

The next Girls Bible Study will be on Monday, April 15th at the Thrasher Residence.
We'll have directions on the kiosk the Wednesday and Sunday leading up to it.

We hope all of you can make it out to GBS.
Don't forget to bring your boards from last time (I'll bring a working pen to engrave your quotes!)

Also, you can still buy a book if you need to.  I'll have them there that night for $10.

Love you all!!


Monday, February 25, 2013

Girls Bible Study, Tonight! (Feb 25)

Hey Girls, we have GBS tonight, Monday February 25, 6:30-8pm at Jessie's house.  If you need more info or directions, you can email Jessie at

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

So far in 2013...

Hello lovely ladies!
For those of you who have made it out to GBS this year, you're awesome & we love you!
For those of you who haven't made it out... we still love you, but we think you should come to GBS!
Why? Because it's awesome!
We've had two GBS nights so far in 2013, and we've enjoyed making cupcakes together (although, I'm not sure how I feel about the frosting wars in my apartment), as well as making journals together last week.

For those of you who don't know, we are going through the book "You're Designed to Shine" for our Spring GBS season... after choosing this book, I discovered that not a single store in Springfield has it in stock... so we ordered 10 copies... If you want a book, you can buy it from us for $10... or you can order it yourself; it's available on Amazon.

Our next GBS night will be next Monday, February 25th.  We hope to see you there!
Where is "there"? Great question! If you're interested in opening up your home for GBS, please let me (Kate) know asap!
We will let you know where the next GBS night ends up being as soon as we know! :)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Girls Bible Study... TONIGHT!

Hey Ladies!

GBS is back and we are so excited to dive into God's word with you!
Tonight we will be meeting at my (Kate's) apartment downtown.  If you need my address or directions, just text, call, or email me.

If you have a cupcake tin... you should bring it!  I won't tell you why, but we may or not be baking little cups of deliciousness topped with icing and sprinkles ;)