Thursday, August 11, 2011

Final Girls Bible Study Recap

Hello again! In case you missed the final week of Girls Bible Study, here is the lie we talked about: Lies about my future and lies about sin.

Let’s talk about sin. A big lie that comes with sin is this: I can’t overcome my sin.

So often we feel the shame and guilt that comes with sin. Whether it’s from lying, gossiping, sexual immorality, or cheating, or maybe you feel imprisoned by a secret sin that no one knows about. Satan wants us to get so stuck in our ‘sin cell’ that we can’t move forward in our relationship with Christ. He wants us to wallow in our sin and self pity so that the Lord can’t move in us.

How do you know when someone feels guilty? How do you feel when you’re guilty? How do you recognize when you’re feeling guilty?

There is a dangerous cycle living in sin and shame. It can easily become ‘habitual’ or ‘natural’. But the danger and concern is that what you believe determines the way you live.

Example: You believe you are guilty and ashamed, therefore you live a life of shame that says you’re only worthy of sin and so that opens the door for more sin and shame. See the cycle?

How do we break the cycle of sin? How do we stop the shame and guilt from overtaking us?

Are you in Christ? Then these things apply to you. Your job is to live it out. That happens, not on your own, but by living by the Word and praying openly and honestly. An important part of being free from sin is confessing your sin, not only to God, but to your Christian brothers and sisters. Will you be bold enough and honest enough to confide in someone?

Why do we need to confess our sins to one another? So we can be healed. Have you ever carried the weight of a heavy burden on your shoulders? How did it make you feel? Being honest is so important and freeing. As long as you are living in darkness, you are fulfilling the enemies plan for you. But when you confess your sin, you immediately flip on a light, a marvelous light, and that light begins to emanate.

Be free, sisters, and be healed. If you are in Christ, you are a new creation. -2 Corinthians 5:17.

Living like a new creation may mean not only stopping your bad habits, but distancing yourself from them. If something is coming between you and God, get rid of it! When you stop giving yourself access to the things that tempt you, you kill the heart of temptation.

Lie #2: What I do now doesn’t affect my future.

If you plant seeds of corn, what will grow? Corn. If you plant seeds of barley, what will you harvest? Barley. If you plant seeds of irresponsibility, what will you reap? It’s the same thing as farming. We reap what we sow. If we plant seeds to please our own desires, we will reap consequences. But if we plant seeds of God’s desires, we will reap blessings.

Are you planting seeds now that will produce that kind of harvest? What can you do to change your current actions, attitudes, and words?

Would you consider committing to thirty days in the Word and being held accountable by a close, Godly girlfriend? That is the best way to know god’s plan for your life and to live freely in a relationship both now and in the future.

Write two of these cards out, and give one to your friend.

I, , commit to spending time in God’s Word daily, listening, thinking, praying, and obeying. I also commit to share my journey and hold my sister, , accountable through prayer and daily conversations with her about her time in the Word.

We have loved having you with us this summer! I hope you have learned about and recognized some lies that young women believe.

Stay tuned for details about upcoming Girls Bible Studies AND Girls Night Out for fall 2011!

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