Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lifestyle Bible Study Week 3: DATING

This week is a great study! It is about dating and inner beauty. This last week I traveled to Nashville to train a great group of teachers. Nashville is pretty sad right now because of the flooding a few months ago. Everything is closed down for remodeling, but I had a wonderful time meeting the teachers there. I flew home and had to do another workshop in Nixa first thing the next day. Well, when I got home Tim opened my suitcase to find that the jar of Vaseline I took with me had exploded everywhere. It was on my clothes, my makeup, etc. I had no idea Vaseline exploded, so take that as a tip for your next trip.

Anyway, it was really late so I told Tim not to worry about it I would mess with it the next day. He wiped down things and I thought I could deal with it later. So, bright and early I get up, wash my hair and start getting ready. I grabbed my brush and took off trying to make myself look beautiful for the day. I mean I had to stand in front of a whole room of people and talk all day. I have to look good. I wondered as I dried my hair, why it was taking so long. It also seemed pretty flat. Then... it hit me. There must have been Vaseline in my brush because my hair was feeling weird. Sure enough I ran my fingers through it and it was everywhere. I of course was running late so I tried to wash the roots with shampoo quickly. No luck. I grabbed the Dawn because if it works for the Pelicans in the oily Gulf, maybe it would work for me. But I didn't have time to rewash, so I did the best I could. Needless to say, it was not my best look. My friends at the workshop were very sweet, but the next day they all commented how nice my hair looked after I got all the goop out. We laughed and laughed.

I was reminded again the verse in our study that Beauty is Fleeting. As quick as it took to run Vaseline through my hair, my beauty was lost, not that there was that much to work with anyway. But what mattered was my inner self. I had to rely on God to get through the day and realize what he is doing in my life is so much more important than always having the perfect hair day. I really hope you will spend a good amount of time jumping into the study this week about Ruth. It is one of my favorites. As always, please comment and share your experiences or thoughts on dating. Are you always chasing or dreaming of a guy to make your dreams come true? I am pretty sure God has it all taken care of for you. Trust him and settle for nothing less than His best!


  1. What a great lesson to learn. So many people settle for less than God's best and end up regretting it in the end. The past Februarys DNOW had a very good point about how we should be treated as women of God. The speaker said "Would you rather be treated like an old beat up pick-up or a lamborghini?" The pick-up has lots of mileage, doesn't look new, and things just aren't right. Whereas the lamborghini (and for all you girls, this is a really fancy sports car)has zero miles, looks brand new, and is much more enjoyable. We should have the very highest standard for dating. Imagine this- your purity (not only of body but of heart and mind) is like a pair of shoes. If your husband said "Here are my shoes. They're brand new and have never been out of the box" and you had to turn around and say "Here are my shoes. They're pretty worn out. They've been worn by alot of people" Imagine how that would feel. Gods hope is that we allow only the best of the best into our lives. Think. Is the guy you're "dating" or the guy who says "It's not really going THAT far" or the cute boy on the other side of the lunch room really going to challenge you spiritually, not only respect your standards but agree with them, and treat you like a princess? Because thats what God wants for you. You are the daughter of the King. And He loves you more than we could ever know.

  2. I really love the analogy of the pick up truck and the sports car. I remember thinking during DNow how much God values us and how we need to live up to being the daughter of the King. Thanks for posting... mystery writer.
